Wednesday, February 1, 2012

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  2. Anonymous2:47:00 PM

    Hi to everybody,
    There are two new podcasts available at
    We are expecting your feedback.
    Kind regards from Germany

  3. Anonymous5:29:00 PM

    Report by the German students

    On Sunday we arrived very late and so we didn´t do a lot We just met our hosts and their families for the first time.

    On Monday we got up very early and went to school with our hosts. The school is very big and all students have to wear slippers. We stayed a few minutes in a room with a billiardtable, a soccer table and some couches. After this we went to a classroom and the headmaster welcome all.
    Then the Czech students showed us a few short presentations about their country, the town of Chomutov, the region and about their volunteering activities. After this introduction we were taken round the school and we also visited the town centre. What we found interesting in the lessons was that pupils are much quieter and they have more respect towards their teachers than in Germany. And it is very surprising that they sort their rubbish at school but not at home.

    On Tuesday we had a poster competition. It was a lot of fun and it was interesting to see the posters what the other nations had created. After this little competition we went to the very famous Zoopark in Chomutov. First we watched some wolves, then we went by “train” to watch other animals. We were very close to the animals it was really great. We also saw a camel and give it some bread. It was really funny. After feeding the animals we had some free time with our host in the Zoopark. We went to where the snakes are kept and saw lots of other animals. We also talked a lot to the other students so our English became more fluent.
    In the evening all the hosts and their guests went to a disco and talked a lot toeach other. We made some new friends and had a lot of fun.

    On Wednesday we went to a Karlovy Vary, a famous spa in Bohemia.. We went there by coach, but coach didn´t seem very safe to us. In the town we have a lot of free time and than we visited the “Jan Becher Museum”. That was very interesting, because we learned something about the special medicine “Becherovka” and we we were allowed to taste it. Becherovka is very famous tasty drink in Czech and we like it.
    In the evening most students stayed at home with their hosts, because they had to pack their bags.

    On Thursday all students went home by train or airplane. We were all very sad to leave, because we had a great time in Chomutov and much fun with the other nations.
